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Our TS server has been closed! TeamSpeak Server shutdown!

Our TS server has been closed! TeamSpeak Server shutdown!
« on: January 23, 2017, 02:59:49 AM »
Our TS server has been closed temporarily from 23.01.2017!
TS.HUBSINFO.NET - TeamSpeak Server shutdown until we find another server...
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

*It has been replaced with Discord. JOIN US!

Serverul nostru dedicat de TeamSpeak  a fost oprit temporar incepand cu 23.01.2017!
TS.HUBSINFO.NET este inchis pana ce vom gasi un alt server...
Ne pare rau pentru cele intamplate.

*A fost inlocuit cu Discord. Inregistreaza-te aici!

« Last Edit: September 02, 2023, 12:00:06 PM by hubsinfo »

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