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MEE6 Discord commands

MEE6 Discord commands
« on: November 15, 2024, 04:03:41 PM »
MEE6 Discord commands

Command / Function

!ban / Bans a specified discord user
!birthday / View the birthday of a user
!clear / Delete a given number of messages from the server
!clear-all-infractions / Remove all infractions of a user
!coins / View the number of coins that everyone has in your server
!daily / Use this command to claim your daily rewards
!forget-birthday / Remove a user’s birthday
!give-xp / Grant a user experience that affects their rank in the server
!guess / Allows you to play Guess the Number to earn coins
!imgur / Lets users post random memes based on a keyword
!infractions / View the past infractions of a user
!join / Add a bot to your voice channel, which will follow you around
!kick / Remove a user from the server. Kicked users can rejoin the servers
!levels / Check the leaderboard of your server
!mute / Mutes a user in your Discord server
!next-birthday / Shows the upcoming 10 birthdays on your server
!play URL / Allows users to play music from URL addresses like YouTube
!queue / Allows users to start a queue that can be used to play back-to-back songs
!rank / Displays your rank details
!remember-birthday / Allows users to add their birthday
!remove-xp / Lets users remove XP from specific users
!richest / Shows the user with the most coins in your server
!rps / Lets users play rock, paper, scissors
!set-user-birthday / Used to add other users’ birthdays to the server
!slow-mode / Enables slow mode
!start-quiz / Starts a music-based quiz
!tempban / Used to temporarily ban users from the server. After typing in their name, you’ll also need to add the duration in the following format:
6h 30m40m12h
!twitch / Lets users search Twitch streams on Discord
!unban / Allows users to unban a user
!unmute / Used to unmute muted server members
!unset-user-birthday / Allows users to remove a player’s birthday
!user-info / Shows all the available information about a user
!Voice-claim / Temporarily claim the ownership of a temporary voice channel
!Voice-clean / Delete all the temporary in-active voice channels
!voice-limit / Limit the number of users available in the voice channel
!Voice-owner / Find the owner of each voice channel
!voice-transfer / Transfer the ownership of a temporary voice channel from user one to user two. You’ll need to enter two usernames to use this command and the user you’d like to transfer the ownership to will need to be the second name
!vote-skip / Start a vote to skip the currently playing song
!warn / Warn a user. You can specify the reason after the command as well
!youtube / Allows users to search YouTube videos and play them on Discord


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