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Custom Locations CATACLYSM FUN SERVER (for Global Teleporter)

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# Mount Hyjal (80-81 lvl.)
1, 5497.749023, -3574.645752, 1569.260742, 5.793499

# Lost City of the Tolvir (80-85 lvl.)
1, -10672, -1305, 16, 3

# The Vortex Pinnacle (80-85 lvl.)
1, -11511, -2308, 608, 3

# Blackwing Descent (80-85 lvl.)
0, -7539, -1196, 477, 2

# Deepholme (80-85 lvl.)
646, 1024, 646, 157, 4

# The Bastion of Twilight (80-85 lvl.)
0, -4891, -4235, 829, 2

# Ruins of Glineas (80-85 lvl.)
0, -1936, 1900, 90, 0

# Halls of Origination (80-85 lvl.)
1, -10209, -1839, 20, 3

# The Abyssal Maw (80-85 lvl.)
0, -5596, 5410, -1796, 5

# Grim Batol (80-85 lvl.)
0, -4060, -3451, 281, 0

# The Lost Isles (80-85 lvl.)
648, 1783, 2278, 192, 5

# Tol Barad (80-85 lvl.)
732, -707, 1183, 106, 2

# The Maelstrom (80-85 lvl.)
730, 848, 1052, -6, 5

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Gurubashi Arena (PvP)
0, -13277.4, 127.372, 26.1418, 1.11878

# Wintergrasp (PvP)
571, 4760.7, 2143.7, 423, 1.13

# Circle of Blood Arena
530, 2839.44, 5930.17, 11.1002, 3.16284

# The Ring of Trials
530, -1999.94, 6581.71, 11.32, 2.36528

# Booty Bay
0, -14297.2, 530.993, 8.77916, 3.98863

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Karazhan (Raids 70 lvl.)
0, -11118.9, -2010.33, 47.0819, 0.649895

# Gruul's Lair (Raids 70 lvl.)
530, 3530.06, 5104.08, 3.50861, 5.51117

# Magtheridon's Lair (Raids 70 lvl.)
530, -312.7, 3087.26, -116.52, 5.19026

# Zul'Aman (Raids 70 lvl.)
530, 6851.78, -7972.57, 179.242, 4.64691

# Serpentshrine Cavern (Raids 70 lvl.)
530, 820.025, 6864.93, -66.7556, 6.28127

# Tempest Keep: The Eye (Raids 70 lvl.)
530, 3088.49, 1381.57, 184.863, 4.61973

# Hyjal (Raids 70 lvl.)
1, -8177.89, -4181.23, -167.552, 0.913338

# Black Temple (Raids 70 lvl.)
530, -3649.92, 317.469, 35.2827, 2.94285

# Sunwell Plateau (Raids 70 lvl.)
530, 12574.1, -6774.81, 15.0904, 3.13788

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Naxxramas (Raids 80 lvl.)
530, 3668.72, -1262.46, 243.622, 4.785

# Ruby Sanctum (Raids 80 lvl.)
571, 3479.66, 264.625, -120.144, 0.097

# Vault of Archavon (Raids 80 lvl.)
571, 5453.72, 2840.79, 421.28, 0.0

# Icecrown Citadel (Raids 80 lvl.)
571, 5873.82, 2110.98, 636.011, 3.5523

# Onyxia's Lair (Raids 80 lvl.)
1, -4708.27, -3727.64, 54.5589, 3.72786

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Caverns of Time
1, -8369.65, -4253.11, -204.272, -2.70526

# Hellfire Peninsula
530, -211.237, 4278.54, 86.5678, 4.59776

# Zangarmarsh
530, -54.8621, 5813.44, 20.9764, 0.081722

# Nagrand
530, -1145.95, 8182.35, 3.60249, 6.13478

# Netherstorm
530, 3830.23, 3426.5, 88.6145, 5.16677

# Borean Tundra
571, 3256.57, 5278.23, 40.8046, 0.246367

# Howling Fjord
571, 1902.15, -4883.91, 171.363, 3.11537

# Dragonblight
571, 4103.36, 264.478, 50.5019, 3.09349

# Grizzly Hills
571, 4391.73, -3587.92, 238.531, 3.57526

# Zul'Drak
571, 5560.23, -3211.66, 371.709, 5.55055

# Sholazar Basin (76-80 lvl.)
571, 5323, 4942, -133.5, 2.17

# Crystalsong Forest (77-80 lvl.)
571, 5659.35, 359.053, 158.214, 3.69933

# The Storm Peaks (77-80 lvl.)
571, 7527.14, -1260.89, 919.049, 2.0696

# Icecrown (77-80 lvl.)
571, 7253.64, 1644.78, 433.68, 4.83412

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